Today we talk about complete streets, pedestrian friendly roads and walkable cities. So what are all these focusing on? Sidewalks, trees, well defined intersections and a thread that connects all these together in the best way possible.

This image does a great job in demonstrating the activities that happen on a street!
While most streets have side walks, trees, intersection, some are successful, while some not!

Some sidewalks are full of life while some have no purpose of existence. Infact a great downtown owes a lot to its streets and its sidewalks.
While we highly appreciate some sidewalks, we really dont know why the others exist? There are quite of lot of side walks that are seldom used. For instance, muncie hardly has any sidewalks and even among those which ones do we really use? Side walks are a big expense for every city but what is the payback?

These questions have been given a lot of thought and we have some interesting solutions:
Sidewalks in france are being used as dance floors to generte energy!